Since 1982, EDILPIEMME is the leading company in the Roman territory and on a national scale in the supply of products and services for the construction sector.
Recently, EDILPIEMME has specialized in the world of architecture, exterior and interior design and the design of settings and furnishing accessories
With four offices located in the city of Rome, EDILPIEMME has also multiple spaces designed to bring ideas together with the material:
- rooms for workshops and training with educational credits
- hardware spaces for the thermo-hydraulic sector, heated towel rails, bathrooms, floors, door and window coverings
- areas dedicated to bringing together producers, designers, transformists and architects.
And it is precisely the vision of continuous growth and constant research that the Roman company and Makte have in common.
Hence the collaboration between two companies with the same objective: to provide infinite solutions for interior designers, architects and designers who want to simplify the process of finding materials, decorations and solutions for their works.
Makte Roma is the new space of EDILPIEMME, where you can touch hundreds of samples with decorations and materials ranging from ceramics to glass, from laminate to veneer, from solid surface to natural solutions.
The solutions shown are a selection from the large material library Makte. Look at the whole catalogue here!
Becoming Makte Roma, EDILPIEMME also expands its offer of professionals and technicians in the world of architecture and interior design. From the two Makte units specialized in the transformation and realization of any project (discover MAKTE LAB), to the training and consulting of technical material specialists.
Makte Roma becomes the eighth Makte Point in Italy, a networking of professionals and materials in line with trends of interior and exterior design and the furniture sector.
Would you like to visit Makte Point? Discover all the Makte Points located in Italy at this link: https://www.makte.it/en/makte-points/