Makte Catania
Agen’team srl was founded in Catania in 1993 and operates throughout the Sicilian territory. Its mission is to create a link between the industrial production of surfaces for furniture with its continuous evolution and that of local distribution. The catanese company is specialized in offering solutions for floors, top range lines for bathrooms and kitchens in stratified layers and polycarbonates.
Agen’Team, on the market since 1992, has joined forces with Makte to create Makte Catania.
In the showroom, you will find a materials library crammed with outstanding materials, surfaces and products for application in any interior and exterior design scheme.
Makte Catania is the point of reference for architects and designers in Sicily wishing to renovate properties, update furniture, design interior and exterior design schemes, and coordinate construction and home building projects.
The Sicilian firm is a unique opportunity for all professional and private clients and in the architecture, design and furnishing sector. An opportunity not limited to just the sale of quality materials at an excellent price and for immediate delivery, but also an opportunity for professional training, thanks to the Makte Academy format.
The product catalogue, which you can consult here by clicking Materials Library, contains thousands of finishing surfaces, a very large proportion of them ready in stock for prompt delivery. And thanks to the Makte Headquarters logistics, which coordinates all the Makte Points, anything not in stock can be available with equally short, precise delivery times.